Making a claim on your car insurance policy

If you have a car accident in France, you must complete a document called “Constat Amiable d’Accident Automobile” or “Constat Européen d’Accident”, ideally with the other party involved, at the time of the accident.  You should then send a copy to Crédit Agricole insurance subsidiary, Pacifica, within five working days. 

Choose how you would like to make your claim:

You can declare and follow your claim in your personal online banking. 

Select “Mes opérations” then “Mes assurances” and "Déclarer un sinistre".

After selecting the contract in question, you will need to provide the following details:

  1. A quelle date a eu lieu votre sinistre ? - complete the date of the claim.
  2. Y a-t-il un/des bléssé(s) ? - confirm "yes" or "no" if anyone was injured.
  3. Pouvez-vous nous décrire en quelques lignes les circonstances et la nature des dommages ? - describe the circumstances and details of your claim (you can do this in English if you prefer).
  4. Pouvez-vous nous préciser la plage horaire à laquelle vous souhaitez être contacté ? - confirm when you can be contacted. If you wish to be contacted on a UK number, add it in this section of the form.
  5. A quel numéro pouvons-nous vous appeler ? - Complete here with your French contact number. If you do not have a French number complete with 10 zeros.

Click "Envoyer ma Déclaration" to send the details to Pacifica.

You can make your claim directly through the Pacifica app by clicking on the contract and then "Déclarer/suivre un sinistre".

After selecting the contract concerned, you will need to provide the following details:

  1. Vous avez subi un sinistre ? - select the type of damage:
    1. Accident : accident
    2. Bris de glace: broken glass (window, etc…)
    3. Panne : breakdown
    4. Vol vandalisme: theft or vandalism
    5. Incendie: fire
    6. Autres: other
  2. Présence de blessés ? - confirm "yes" or "no" if anyone was injured.
  3. Date du sinistre ? - complete the date of the even.t
  4. Circonstances - explain the circumstances of the claim (160 caracters max).
  5. Photos - attach photos of the event for experts to review.
  6. Votre numéro de téléphone - confirm your phone number
  7. Vos disponibilités - confirm your availability for a callback.

You can then review and click "Envoyer" to send the details to Pacifica.


These are fast and efficient ways to make your claim. Once you have sent your declaration, a member of the Insurance claims department from Pacifica will make contact with you directly.

Once your claim has been registered with Pacifica, you will be given the details of the expert managing your claim. Any future correspondence in respect of your claim should be made directly with Pacifica.



Making a claim

If required, you can contact Pacifica's assistance service on +33 (0)1 41 85 97 97

You will hear a welcome message: "Bienvenue chez Pacifica assistance" and you will then need to press:

  1. 1 for a breakdown
  2. 2 for assistance linked to your home and contents insurance
  3. 3 for assistance linked to your top-up health policy

You should hold until an advisor answers and you may then request to speak in English.

If the advisor who has answered the call is not English-speaking then they will transfer the call. In the event that an English-speaking advisor is not available, then your details will be taken and you should be called back during the same day, or the following day if your call is received after 5pm.


The vehicle insurance contract and its options are provided by PACIFICA, the insurance company, subsidiary of Crédit Agricole SA. PACIFICA: Company regulated by the "Code des Assurances". Limited company with a consolidated capital of 332,609,760€ untied funds. Head office: 8-10 boulevard de Vaugirard - 75724 Paris cedex 15.352 358 865 RCS Paris. The events guaranteed and the conditons figure in the contract.

This contract is issued by your regional head office Crédit Agricole Normandie, co-operative company with variable capital, approved bank – Head office situated 15 Esplanade de Brillaud de Laujardière – CS25041, 14050 CAEN CEDEX 4 – Registered in CAEN under the company number 478 834 930 - Brokering company registered on the « registre des intermédiaires d’assurance » n° 07 022 868.

The details of the insurance broker for your regional head office are available on or in your local Crédit Agricole branch. Contact your CA Britline advisor to find out the full details and conditions of this offer in your regional office of Crédit Agricole.