Renovate your home to save energy

Eco-renovation is a vast subject and it is sometimes difficult to know where to start.
You will find on this page all the links from our eco-renovation web conference of 19th of October 2023.
Crédit Agricole’s tool is here to help you to:
- Estimate the DPE of your property and an idea of the cost of the renovation to improve energy efficiency. You are given 3 scenarios to help prioritise the work in accordance with your budget.
- Estimate the grants that are available to you in your particular financial situation and geographical location.
- Estimate the loans that you may be eligible for to fund the amount left to pay after your grants.
- Find a list of local tradesmen who have the RGE label.
How to translate the different simulators and articles in English?
France RENOV’
A public service accessible to all, free and independent to help you to build your project adapted to your needs
Additional Customers Questions
Grants are only available to improve your primary residence which is already heated, so it will depend on whether the renovation of the outbuilding also improves the main house. If not, you are unlikely to be eligible however this can also depend on the local policies. We recommend that you still contact a FranceRenov' advisor to discuss your project.
It seems that the house is a second home and that the occupier is considered as a tenant (or free accomodation). So it is probably not eligible.
All types of insulation are eligible for grants if they respect the minimum thermal resistance (BBC requirement).
Yes, grants are available for houses subject to Batiment de France controls.
No, not for the grants. Loans will depend on the criteria of the bank.
Grants are based on the annual income tax reference and not on savings. Therefore, you can get grants with low wages.
Yes but you can still start to build your project (ask for quotes, do an audit…). Changes to grants will mainly benefit those with a global renovation project.
Lost attic: 7 m².K/W - Sloped roof: 6 m².K/W - Terrace roof: 4,5 m².K/W.
Yes under normal circumstances. However, it really depends on what type of work you are doing and what type of loan you are applying for as to the kind of devis you need to have.
If you are wanting to apply for an ECO PTZ loan for example then you need to have completed the correct 'devis' with the artisan.
It is best to call CA Britline to discuss your project in this instance so they can guide you.