Tax exemption

If you are fiscally resident in France and hold one or several taxable savings products, the interest and dividends received in 2024 from these investments will be subject to income tax.

Furthermore, they are subject to a debit that is made at source, which constitutes an advance payment of tax due in 2024.

To be exempt from the advance payment of tax on your investments, a request for exemption must be registered(1). This depends on your annual income tax reference that is written on your 2023 “avis d'imposition”, and must be carried out in every banking establishment where you hold taxable savings products. Please note exemption from the advance payment does not constitute exoneration from income tax.

To register your exemption, please download and complete the tax exemption form. Please return it to us before 30th November 2023 along with a copy of your 2023 tax declaration:

  1. by post to Crédit Agricole Britline, 15, esplanade Brillaud de Laujardiere, CS 25014 - 14050 CAEN Cedex 4.
  2. or by email to

Please contact CA Britline on 02 31 55 67 89(2), should you have any questions.


Eligibility criteria

To be exempt from the 2024 advance tax payment your annual income tax reference (shown on your 2023 tax statement) from 2022 must not exceed:

  1. 25 000 € for a single person and 50 000 € for a couple subject to joint taxation for interest.
  2. 50 000 € for a single person and 75 000 € for a couple subject to joint taxation for dividends.

If you are eligible, the exemption from the advance tax payment must be registered each year.

* Local costs apply when phoning within France from a landline. Check with your service provider when calling from abroad.